
目前显示的是标签为“Parking management system”的博文

Parking Management System

Smart Parking Management System The JUTAI parking lot management system uses the card, ticket to identify the vehicles entering  and exiting the parking lot in real time, such as permitrejection, guidance, recording, charging,  release and other intelligent management. Effectively control the access of vehicles and personnel.  Record the data in detail and calculate the amount of the charge automatically. Achieve safety  management of on-site vehicles and charges. Parking entry/exit terminal machine JUTAI provides multi-mode machine for customers selections, small size paper ticket system, standard IC card parking system, and standard folding ticket parking system. 1. Automatic parking with paper ticket for managing occasional users and collect parking fee JTPE-1 ENTRY TERMINAL and PM-900 EXIT CONTROLLLER ENTRY TERMINAL: The compact entry terminal is quick and simple to use and is based on a barcode ticket system. Occasional users take the paper ticket from the ENTR

Ultrasonic Parking Guidance System Solutions

1.Park guidance  Parking guidance parking guidance system is to be able to guide the vehicle smoothly into the purpose of the indicator system of parking Spaces. Generally refers to guide the vehicle into the empty car in the parking lot of intelligent parking guidance system, by the detector to test the parking space, through the display shows empty car information, and parking lights indicates parking state, the owner by the information, for easy parking. The system is mainly used for the effective guidance and management of parking vehicles in and out of the parking lot. It is convenient and convenient for parking, and monitoring the parking space, so as to make parking space management more standard and orderly, and improve the utilization rate of parking Spaces. 2. Ultrasonic parking guidance The detection of parking space in the parking lot adopts ultrasonic testing technology, which can reliably detect the occupancy or idle condition of each parking space. Above each lot